check in

Check in on blogs day: Wednesday, Friday

Hey guys! So I follow a lot of blogs and I had an idea a while ago. Why don’t I set days to check in on these blogs? So I’ve picked Wednesday-since it’s the middle of the week-and Friday to check in. The weekends are a wild card for me since I might have things to do, or updating my own blog. I want to try and make a schedule for blogs to visit-I have a long list since I follow everyone who follows me. And thats really it. Its just a nice idea I had to get back in the community, and find out what everyones up to. Thats all for this post, it wasn’t super interesting  just wanted to share that 😉 Bye booktrolls!

P.S. I wrote a review to Stand Off in my notebook a while ago, I’m going to type it up and post tomorrow- or on a Thursday

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