

Oh hello, I didn’t see you there! My name is Lucia (pronounced/lu-sha) and I am the author of Reading with Lucia/ Lined Paper.  I am 15 years old and an ENFP. I like reading, writing, and a bunch of other things. I created this blog in 2015 to share my ideas with people, review books, and write! This about page is looking a little sparse so I’ll add some extra facts about myself:

1.I like drawing, sometimes I share my drawings on here, you can see them by clicking art in the menu

2. I am weird, but in a good way. The other day I had a long discussion about how sharks communicate with my friends

3. I like sewing. I’m still a beginner but I still like doing it

4. I like fashion in general, although I must say I don’t often wear cute clothes, I usually just wear a tee shirt and jeans, or a skater skirt and a v neck shirt

5. I am 5ft tall, I have wavy, golden blond hair, blue eyes, and a heart shaped face.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Come back soon! 😊


60 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello. Thank you so much for following Routine Matters. Now following you. Great film choice by the way. Looking forward to seeing more posts. Hey … it must be great to be young! All the best. Kris.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much it really means a lot ^.^ I’ve never gotten a blog award before. The funny thing is though that I just created a blog award so I will have to do some more research to nominate people. But thats okay, I don’t mind it means I get to meet more people.


      1. I will some of them will be challenging though but I guess thats the point. I think I’ll sound very repetitive; Celaena, Sam, Throne of Glass, you know what I mean 🙂


    1. Yep! I have all the books. Its funny I actually was planning on doing a haul when I found out about Levana’s story coming out, and I was like well this is great for me!


      1. I just realized its a tag about the movie inside out, I loved that movie! I really liked the little short the played before hand with the volcanos.


    1. Hi Luucy! Sorry this reply is so late. Yes you can call me Lu must of my family and friends do anyway 😀 Even though Christmas has come and gone I don’t think people will mind if I do this tag. Thanks for nominating me!


Hows life?